Thursday, March 31, 2011

Santa Rosa Rejects Affordable Housing

The Santa Rosa City Council overturned the Planning Commission's approval of the EIR for the Elnoka affordable housing project on Tuesday (3/29/11). This well-designed project would provide 41 units of much-needed lower income housing and 20 or more units of moderate income housing. The Housing Advocacy Group urged the Council to reject the appeal by an association representing a neighboring single-family seniors development. The Association complained that the project would block their views, and create bothersome noises from families living next door. Click here for a news article about the public hearing. The site was listed in the city's general plan is available for higher density multifamily housing as a result of a lawsuit settlement agreement between HAG and the City in 2002. We're looking into ways we can make the city abide by there agreement. Stay tuned.

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