Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Affordable Housing Progress Report

Our Affordable Housing Progress Report has summaries of how each of the cities in Sonoma County, as well as the unincorporated County, have progressed in meeting their affordable housing needs during the last planning period (1999-2007).

Saturday, May 3, 2008

No on 98 - Sample Letter

Please copy/paste this into an e-mail or letter and send it to as many friends and neighbors as possible urging them to vote NO on Prop 98 (but 99 is fine). Do it soon... absentee ballots for the election will be mailed out in a few days - DG

Dear Friend,

I'm emailing you today to make sure you are aware of a dangerous ballot measure on the June 3rd statewide ballot. Proposition 98 is a deceptive measure that a group of wealthy landlords spent millions to put on the ballot. These landlords want you to believe the measure is only about "eminent domain," but Prop. 98 is full of hidden provisions that would hurt all Californians.

• Prop. 98 attacks renters by eliminating renter protections and rent control.

• Prop. 98 guts important environmental protections like laws we need to combat global warming, and protect our land, air, water and coasts.

• Prop. 98 jeopardizes the quality of our drinking water and our ability to secure new water sources to protect our environment and fuel our economy.

• Prop. 98 will result in frivolous lawsuits, higher taxpayer costs, and hurt our economy.

That's why a broad coalition including AARP, League of Women Voters of California, the Coalition to Protect California Renters, California Professional Firefighters, California Alliance for Retired Americans, California Teachers Association, California Police Chiefs Association, California Chamber of Commerce and dozens of others all oppose Prop. 98.

Many of these same groups are also supporting a real eminent domain reform on the June 3rd ballot. Proposition 99 is the straightforward solution we need to protect against eminent domain abuse. Prop. 99 prohibits government from using eminent domain to take a home to transfer to a private developer. Unlike the landlords' Prop. 98, Prop. 99 is eminent domain reform with NO HIDDEN AGENDAS.

Please be sure you have the facts and vote NO on 98 and Yes on 99 on June 3rd

Visit for more information.

Thank you!